
Puppet scripts for installing Python and configuring virtual environments

Primary LanguagePuppet


Puppet scripts for installing Python and configuring virtual environments


Before usage to install Pythons from Ubuntu repository add Dead Snakes repo to sources.list: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:fkrull/deadsnakes

See examples for details.


Installs python

####Arguments name - Python-X.Y.Z (e.g. Python-2.7.3)

pref - path prefix where python should be installed (default /usr/local)

from_source - if true then install from sources (downloaded automaticly), false - install from ubuntu package


If you want to compile python 2.7.3 from sources and install it to /opt/local

    python::install {"2.7.3": 
        pref => "/opt/local",


Configures python to be ready for creating virtual environments and installing new packages, namely downloads and installs distribute, pip and virtualenv.


name - Python-X.Y.Z (e.g. Python-2.7.3)

pref - path prefix where python should be installed (default /usr/local)

pipversion - version of PIP (default 1.1)


Installs package to selected interpreter/virtualenv.


prefix - path prefix where desired interpreter is located (default /usr/local)

short_version - 2 first digit of version of python whose corresponding pip shuold be used


If you want to install package Django 1.5 to /usr/opt/python2.6 then you write

python::pip{"installing django":


Creates virtualenv with the defined set of packages


prefix - base python location prefix short_version - 2 first digits of python version libraries - space separated list of libraries names


If you want to create virtualenv with path /home/user/.virtualenvs/django15 with Django 1.5 and IPython 0.13 installed using python /opt/local/bin/python3.2 then you can write

    python::virtualenv {"/home/user/.virtualenvs/django15":
        prefix => "/opt/local",
        short_version => "3.2",
        libraries => "django==1.5 ipython==0.13",