
Blip, is a really simple, no-database, flat-file blog engine

Primary LanguagePHP

Blip: A Flat-File, Simple, Blog Engine

Blip, is a really simple, no-database, flat-file blog engine

To Use:
1.) Upload this "blog" folder to the root of your website.
2.) Go into the helper.php file and update the SITEURL with your site url including the "blog" folder, so http//www//.yoursite.com/blog/ .
3.) Change file.htaccess file to .htaccess
4.) Add Blog posts to the "posts" folder as .txt files, see examples.

Customization: to "template" the blog to make it look like the website, just take your current site, view source, copy and paste it into the HTML templates in src/Views/Layout.php (parent template) & src/Views/Blog/Listing.php (main blog page) and Post.php (blog post page) and use the functions that are already there, no special templating kowledge.

Code is easily editable to create more features or change things.

Potential issues: .htaccess file settings may need to be tweaked according to your Apache web server set-up, NGINX should work with some extra adjustments.

Tested on PHP 7.3 + but may work down to 7.x (haven't tested), Apache Web Server, should work on shared hosting, and is low resources.

Inspiration for this project just came as a need to get a quick blog up on a website without setting up databases, and bloat. You are welcomed to contribute or fix bugs! Thanks

Blog Listing Alt text

Blog Post Alt text