
Web Crawler tool for search engine optimization and website management, website crawler.

Primary LanguageJava


Web Crawler tool for search engine optimization and website management


Java 8+

Maven 3.6+

Tested on Windows 10 , Java 8, Maven 3.6

Run it

1.) Download Zip file and un-Zip

2.) Run:> mvn package

3.) cd target

4.) Run:> java -jar linkmatrx-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar -m url -u http://www.website.com -o console -d 1


-m = mode: (url: scan by URL)

-u = url to scan

-o = output: (console: output to console)(csv: output to CSV file)

-d = depth of scan

Output to a text file

java -jar linkmatrx-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar -m url -u http://www.website.com -o console -d 1 > results.txt