
Reproduction of imba component styling not working for built astro content page.

Primary LanguageAstro

To reproduce:

  1. Try running npm run dev and see that both the mdx page and mdx post have a working/styled component in them.
  2. Try running npm run build then npm run preview and see that the mdx post now has no styles.

Issue Summary:

  • I installed the Imba vite plugin and enabled it in astro.config.mjs
  • I created an Imba file that defines a web component in src/imba-component.imba
  • I included that Imba file in an astro component (this is necessary to include it in an mdx file) inside src/components/ImbaComponentWrapper.astro
  • I included that astro component in two places:
    • An mdx page, defined in src/pages/test.mdx
    • A blog post mdx file, created using astro "content collections", the mdx file is in src/content/posts/test-post.mdx
  • Running npm run astro dev everything works, the page and the post both display the imba component correctly
  • Running npm run astro build then serving the dist/ folder with npx http-server dist reveals the problem: The component will have no CSS if viewed in the MDX post. The javascript counter functionality will work, but the styles are not there. The component renders correctly on the mdx page however.