
Time your tweets

Primary LanguageVue


What is this?

Timer Tweet is a service to create time locked tweets that only reveal itself in the future.

Why though?

It's a ticking timebomb really. If you couple it with some meta information about what the hidden message is, it can be used to reveal any information in a time-bound manner.

Will the tweet unlock on and display on Twitter as well?

Not unless Twitter allows us to edit Tweets and opens an API to edit them. They would revealed on this very site.

What is with the Algorithm and the Proof?

To make sure the message that is tweeted hasn't been tampered with in any shape or form, a hash of the message is also tweeted out, this can be matched with the hash of the revealed message to ensure the message is indeed the same

What is hashing?

Aha! you have asked my favourite made up question.

Here are some explainers.

Features planned, Get in touch, etc.

I am thinking of tying the Twitter Search API in the reveal page to show the original tweet at the time of reveal. I don't know how well that will work. If you want to get in touch about this or something else, I am availible on the web and email.

Colour Scheme

Navy Blue: 1E4363 Cream: FCF2CB Orange: FF8926 Black: 3D3D3D Red: BC2D19