- 5
Ruby 3.0 `ActionView::Template::Error: wrong number of arguments` error with keyword args
#71 opened by taketo1113 - 6
Cells-rails defines crashing request method when used without parent controller
#50 opened by kreintjes - 2
Cells-Rails 0.1.4 does not work with Rails 7.0.3
#66 opened by alecslupu - 1
warning: Using the last argument as keyword parameters is deprecated; maybe ** should be added to the call
#64 opened by borismacias - 11
- 12
- 0
Upload 0.1.0 release to
#56 opened by bennibu - 7
- 1
- 1
- 0
Cell::RailsExtensions::HelpersAreShit.url_for doesn't support ActionController::Parameters
#54 opened by teoulas - 1
Why is cell looking for block.erb?
#53 opened by JohnSmall - 7
how do i access main_app?
#29 opened by nir0 - 6
Cleaning up syntax
#34 opened by gorn - 4
with_assets enforces awkward file structure
#36 opened by Fodoj - 1
Does nested `render` respect caching?
#47 opened by saiqulhaq - 1
#48 opened by iamajvillalobos - 1
cell caching is not refreshed as expected
#45 opened by saiqulhaq - 2
API to turn on/off cache?
#43 opened by saiqulhaq - 2
v0.0.9 not available on
#42 opened by elliotb - 12
Ruby 2.4 warning about delegating a private/protected method `protect_against_forgery?`
#23 opened by RKushnir - 1
- 11
Cells not reloading code in development
#10 opened by Startouf - 7
Concept generator error rspec not found
#18 opened by wintersolutions - 8
Cells in mailer views
#14 opened by Startouf - 1
Can't merge custom context when using collection
#24 opened by bootleq - 3
- 1
How can I render public activity in cells?
#31 opened by seniordev555 - 5
- 0
- 2
rspec not found when using the rails generator
#11 opened by ekampp - 0
- 1
Autoload cell files
#5 opened by hovsater - 3
uninitialized constant Cell::Collection
#3 opened by Startouf