- 9
Slim v5 breaks cells
#502 opened by AlfonsoUceda - 1
- 10
Publish latest version on Rubygems
#479 opened by scarroll32 - 0
- 0
Ruby 3.0 ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments error with keyword args for Cell::Testing
#504 opened by taketo1113 - 1
- 4
Default cache key produces clashes
#491 opened by samstickland - 9
Still maintained? Documentation URLs broken.
#490 opened by mkastner - 0
Feature Request: Support Recyclable Cache Key
#488 opened by mmhan - 1
Form Input renders as raw text in cell
#487 opened by HermannHH - 9
Issues with `yield`
#433 opened by adambedford - 3
Can't get form_with to work from a cell in Rails 6
#484 opened by marnen - 21
Template Missing ... again!
#462 opened by sath01 - 1
should default to file_name.html.erb or .haml
#480 opened by JohnSmall - 0
- 0
- 1
Render an array inside view cell
#473 opened by ShootingStarr - 5
- 3
- 1
Obtuse error messages
#456 opened by scarroll32 - 5
- 7
Confusing file structure - views or view?
#461 opened by Fodoj - 2
Cells + Airbrake issue - double exceptions raised
#459 opened by asaletnik - 1
Possible Bug
#458 opened by neboduus - 12
Can't use cell from engine in rails application
#455 opened by TheFlow0360 - 2
undefined method `cell'
#454 opened by TheFlow0360 - 5
- 1
How do i access main_app?
#453 opened by nir0 - 2
Consider documenting the existence of escape!()?
#430 opened by brendon - 2
Context when nesting cells?
#429 opened by ericgross - 3
- 12
rails-jquery-autocomplete with Cells - undefined method `rewrite_autocomplete_option'
#426 opened by gaggle - 0
- 3
Breaking when updated to 4.1.4 and Uber 0.1.0
#440 opened by mrbongiolo - 3
Use gem table-for in cell
#442 opened by havran - 5
context doesn't seem to work with collections
#413 opened by samstickland - 0
Does it support working with react on rails
#410 opened by chrisyeung1121 - 2
- 8
Incorrectly rendering cells
#441 opened by ekampp - 3
- 1
Stacktrace is useless when an issue occurs
#425 opened by ericgross - 1
Unable to access named routes in view
#420 opened by ericgross - 1
- 3
- 4
No method error when included own helper module
#421 opened by 1a2b - 4
form_tag and submit_tag broken with Hamlit
#419 opened by Xanthus - 3
Convention for separating and rendering view partials
#418 opened by herenow - 2
- 0
Cells Generator not Working
#411 opened by davidwmartin - 10
Cannot render Rails env variable within cell
#407 opened by chrisyeung1121