- 2
Publish latest version to npm
#74 opened by rubenmoya - 0
Generator fails when mongoose is selected
#77 opened by ecollis6 - 0
- 2
generator should not require email
#73 opened by tjwebb - 1
- 2
Selecting: bookshelf (not supported yet)
#67 opened by Bwen - 2
Yeoman Generator is not specfiging correct dependecies. E.g 'trails-controller'
#71 opened by nosnibor89 - 6
Mocha tests should not use arrow functions
#69 opened by disciple-dev - 2
- 2
should correctly update index.js if one of services, controllers, etc. does not exist
#59 opened by tjwebb - 2
Indentation of inserted trail packs is missing.
#57 opened by fahrradflucht - 5
Windows problem
#66 opened by jaumard - 3
Name of create policy is not consistant
#65 opened by KNTH01 - 7
- 8
dependencies are missed in package.json
#63 opened by lolenko - 2
- 2
how did i break this?
#61 opened by connor11528 - 1
Generated package.json uses old dependencies
#58 opened by LobeTia - 1
Ask about template engine
#8 opened by jaumard - 6
- 3
- 4
Trailpacks should have a way to generate files into the main application when installed
#21 opened by tjwebb - 1
Ask about front framework
#7 opened by jaumard - 3
- 0
Add tests to test generated project
#26 opened by jaumard - 4
--coffee, --litcoffee etc. otpions
#33 opened by scippio - 4
Web.js ignored with beta-1 version
#37 opened by jaumard - 1
Add greenkeeper to watch dependencies
#34 opened by jaumard - 8
Warn user when an override is needed
#32 opened by jaumard - 5
- 3
- 2
tests report as passing when they actually fail
#22 opened by tjwebb - 1
add mocha.opts in test/
#6 opened by tjwebb - 1
copy i18n template files
#17 opened by jaumard - 2
Error: Cannot find module 'yeoman-generator/node_modules/path-exists'
#18 opened by konstantinzolotarev - 1
Generate api
#10 opened by jaumard - 4
- 15
#12 opened by AlMcKinlay - 0
Save user choices
#9 opened by jaumard - 4
Cannot find module './main'
#5 opened by tuananh - 1
- 0
should not generate gulpfile
#1 opened by tjwebb