
Map data for the #TrailsRoc app

Primary LanguageRubyCreative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0


Raw map data for the #TrailsRoc app and web-based maps.

Process for adding and updating data

  1. Create GPX data in source/file.gpx
    • One track for each trail segment
    • One waypoint for each POI
  2. Define metadata in GPX
    • Decide on unique IDs for top level entities (trails, trail systems, and parks). e.g. trail-elcamino-main, tsystem:elcamino, park:mponds
    • Assign unique IDs to all trail segments and waypoints using naming conventions. Set these as the text of each track/waypoint's name element. ruby query.rb --makeids count will create a batch of IDs for convenience
    • Populate the desc element of each waypoint with a JSON string of additional metadata
  3. Generate JSON files and populate remaining metadata
    • Any new trails, trail systems, or parks need to be added to source/file.json. POI and additional segments for existing trails do not require JSON file changes
    • To get started, run ruby extract_trail_json.rb path-to-gpx-file and paste the output into the JSON file
    • Add additional properties to the JSON as needed
    • Manually define trailSystem objects as needed (not currently supported by extract_trail_json.rb)
  4. Generate geojson files
    • ruby scripts/make_geojson.rb. Modify gpx_filenames array as needed to use only a subset of files, etc. Note that you may need to include some unchanged files to satisfy dependencies if you encounter "ID does not exist" errors
  5. Prepare dataset/tileset/style for review and testing
    • Upload geojson file(s) to a new or existing test dataset
    • Create or replace a test tileset with the updated geojson data
    • Replace the tileset ID in a test styleset with the appropriate tileset ID:
      • Search the style JSON for trailsroc. and replace that string with the tileset ID
      • Replace all source-layer string values with the tileset name
    • Test the style. Use the Mapbox Studio Preview app, or on studio.mapbox.com click the style's Share button to access some preview URLs
    • Publish the test style and test app behavior and dataset metadata/search functionality in map.trailsroc.org and the app
  6. Create a pull request
  7. Integrate with the production maps
    • Run rebuild.sh
    • Create or update a prod-v1-build1 dataset with the combined geojson file
    • Export tileset
    • Ensure the prod outdoors and satellite styles use the updated tileset