
[Drobo5N] How to force sync?

Opened this issue · 6 comments

I think I installed everything correctly, I can see the Plugin under 'Plugins', but nothing ever shows up in the log or on
Since there are no more Channels, how can I manually force a Pull sync?

Hubro commented

Same here. My trakt plugin log ends with these lines:

2020-04-12 22:35:18,826 - oem_core.core.plugin             (7fc546ffd700) :  INFO (oem_core.core.plugin:196) - Loaded client: 'anidb'
2020-04-12 22:35:18,837 - oem_core.core.plugin             (7fc546ffd700) :  INFO (oem_core.core.plugin:196) - Loaded format: 'minimize+msgpack'
2020-04-12 22:35:18,843 - plex_activity.activity           (7fc546ffd700) :  INFO (plex_activity.activity:48) - Finished starting 2 method(s): "websocket", "logging"
2020-04-12 22:35:18,878 - plex_activity.sources.s_logging.main (7fc531d7b700) :  INFO (plex_activity.sources.s_logging.main:221) - Unable to retrieve "LocalAppDataPath" from server
2020-04-12 22:35:18,879 - plex_activity.sources.s_logging.main (7fc531d7b700) :  INFO (plex_activity.sources.s_logging.main:107) - Opened file path: "/config/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Logs/Plex Media Server.log"
2020-04-12 22:35:23,132 - com.plexapp.plugins.trakttv      (7fc547fff700) :  INFO (com.plexapp.plugins.trakttv:131) - Saved the dictionary file

This part sounds like an error to me: Unable to retrieve "LocalAppDataPath" from server

Is this plugin currently broken for the most recent Plex version? I'm running

EDIT: Actually never mind, after some digging I found out that you can access the old manual GUI by using Kitana ( I have now installed it and started a manual sync, and now everything appears to be working... Which is endlessly confusing because the plugin hasn't been working for me at all the last week or so (nothing gets pushed to Trakt.)

ANOTHER EDIT: Yup it all appears to work now. Even playback progress is being properly pushed to Trakt. Very strange that it needed a manual full sync before anything worked. Perhaps it was one of my multiple from-scratch reinstalls of both Plex and this plugin the last couple of days that fixed the issue without me noticing.

@Hubro Thanks for this. My plugin was no longer pulling the watched episode status from trakt. After setting up Kitana and running it manually, it seems to be up and running on its own again. Not sure what happened here, but the plugin doesn't seem to be maintained anymore so I was worried that its time was up.

Hi guys!
I got the same issue here, unfortunately Kitana not working for me, I got "500 Server Error: Internal Server Error for url" when trying to access trakt from kitana...

Any other suggestion?

Hi guys!
I got the same issue here, unfortunately Kitana not working for me, I got "500 Server Error: Internal Server Error for url" when trying to access trakt from kitana...

Any other suggestion?

I would suggest posting an issue in the Kitana repository. You're more likely to get support from the dev directly there.

Hi desigi!
Of course for Kitana part, but still have the same issue, that's why I try to use Kitana ;)

@Hubro thanks for taking the time to mention Kitana, as it was what I needed as well to get trakt plugin working.
@jhackeur for some reason I got the same problem, but connectiong through the external IP or the relay still worked fine.