
C# implementation of a CoinGecko API client

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

.NET Core Codacy Badge Codacy Badge


C# implementation of a CoinGecko API client

How to regenerate C# API clients

  • If you work with external API, you probably need to update Change OpenAPI definition added to the project. It's usually openApi3.yaml file.
  • Do right click on the project and select Edit Project File. In the file change value of GenerateApiClient property to true.
  • Rebuild the project. NSwag target will be executed as post action.
  • The last thing to be done is to run integration test OpenApiGeneratedCodeModifier that will rewrite auto generated C# classes to use C# 9 features like records and init keyword.

Creating your local .env file

In order to be able to run some integration tests, you should create a .env file in the src folder with the following variables:


AWS Parameters

In order to be able to run some integration tests you should ensure that you have access to the following AWS parameters :


# Instead of creating a specific repository secret, can use the global one with the same [Key]