Awesome NativeScript Vue

NativeScript-vue resource collection.

This is a document to be completed together. Collaboration with the "revision" branch.

Thank you




Slack NativeScript

Patreon to support the project NativeScript + Vue

Published Apps

Google Play

Salons Industriels

Apple Store

Salons Industriels


Getting Started with NativeScript-Vue 1.0

A Brief Intro to Using Vue.js with NativeScript

Nativescript-vue and vue-cli!

Enabling Debugging

Installing plugins in the vue-cli template

Using Plugins in a NativeScript-Vue App

Using Parse in NativeScript-Vue

Native apps with Vue.js: Weex or NativeScript?

Jen’s excellent FrontEndDeveloperLove and VueJsAmsterdam adventure

The Writing and Rewriting of EloCute: A NativeScript-Vue Story

Setting Up a Robust NativeScript-Vue Development Environment

Using NativeScript to build Particle-powered mobile apps

Unsung Heroes of Vue: Igor Randjelovic

Key-Value Local Storage in a Vue.js NativeScript App with Vuex

Data Management with SQLite and Vuex in a NativeScript-Vue App

Getting Started with building Mobile Apps with NativeScript and Vue.js

Make HTTP Requests to Remote Web Services in a NativeScript-Vue App

Include Feature-Rich Maps in a NativeScript-Vue App with Mapbox

Using Typescript in Nativescript-Vue Apps

Using Fonticons

Renderless Components in NativeScript-Vue


Creating Engaging Mobile Apps with NativeScript and Vue

A New Vue for NativeScript

Jen Looper - Cheese Comparing NativeScript, Ionic, and React Native for Mobile App


Create An Engaging Mobile App With NativeScript And Vue.Js

Code Examples:


Easy app for drawing circles

Example FontAwesome


TableDraw (example of using

A NativeScript+Vue iOS and Android app for managing grocery lists

Web site and Mobile app for language teachers and their students

A story about how I finally got Nativescript, Vue, Typescript, and Webpack 4 to be in the same room without screaming and hair-tearing.

Demo project of ns-vue with code sharing between web and native builds.


A sample repo to show how to integrate the Vue-CLI template with a router

A Vue-CLI (2.x) template with .vue file support.