
NativeScript Vue.js template with webpack and .vue file support

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This template is being deprecated in favor of the Vue Cli template. There are some serious problems that vue-cli simply deals with much nicely.

NativeScript Vue.js Template

This repo serves as the starting point for NativeScript + Vue.js projects, using nativescript-vue.

This template creates a project ready to use with Vue single file components* (.vue files)!


  1. Install NativeScript tools (see http://docs.nativescript.org/start/quick-setup)

  2. Create app from this template

tns create hello-ns-vue --template https://github.com/tralves/nativescript-vue-webpack-template
  1. Watch for changes while developing

In two separate terminals run:

# terminal 1
webpack --watch --env.tns --env.android
# or
webpack --watch --env.tns --env.ios

# terminal 2
cd tns && tns debug android
# or
cd tns && tns debug ios
  1. Bundle Android or iOS for deploy (see: {NS} documentation on webpack bundling)
npm run start-android-bundle -- --clean
npm run start-ios-bundle -- --clean
  1. Code! You will find more sample code here.