
Release coordination and deployment platform, just for your mobile apps

Primary LanguageRubyApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

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Release apps without drowning in process

Codify your app's release cycle,
deploy builds with increased confidence,
and give visibility to the entire organization.

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Features ✨

Release dashboards

A centralized dashboard to monitor and control all your mobile releases, that gives visibility into the release process to all stakeholders.

Release trains

Using the release train model, you can setup different types of releases as separate trains comprising of different steps. For e.g. your production release train can look completely different from the release train that does frequent internal deploys.


Connect with all the essential tools you use during your release cycle: version control, notifications, CI/CD (build) servers, distribution services, and both App Store and Play Store.


Save time and reduce human error across the board by automating release-specific chores. For e.g.

  • Create a new release branch for every release
  • Create and merge release-specific branches, as determined by your branching strategy
  • Submit build to the Store only after explicit approval
  • Tag the final release build commit
  • Don't allow starting a new release unless previous release-specific commits have landed in the working branch


Track and visualize release-specific metadata that you need to make informed decisions: release frequency, build times, review times, etc.

How to set it up yourself ⚙️

These steps assume setting it up on Render only. However, the instructions are standard enough to be adapted for a Heroku deployment or even bare-metal. A Dockerized setup is in the works and will come shortly.

Note: Since Render does not offer background workers under the free plan, you will have to put in your payment details to fully complete this deployment.


At minimum, you'll need the following to get Tramline up and running:

  • This repository set up as the primary monolithic backend
  • This repository set up as a background worker
  • Postgres database
  • Redis, preferably persistent

You'll also need to set up integrations for Tramline to be useful:

Setting up integration apps

The guides above should help you setup the OAuth apps as necessary. They may ask you to fill up a redirect URL, this URL should be updated with the final DNS after everything is setup towards the end.

Google Cloud Platform

We need to setup GCP for storing builds in Tramline. After creating your service account as mentioned above, please create a GCS bucket named artifact-builds-prod to host your builds.

Setting up Tramline

The deployment architecture looks like this:

setup architecture

To begin, first clone this repo. This ensures everything that you do is fully under your control.

In case you'd like to run this locally first, please follow the local development instructions.

To host Tramline directly, you'll need to prep your fork:

Set up Rails


Generate production credentials and follow the instructions

bin/setup.creds -e prod

Keep the production.key file safe and don't commit it!

Update production credentials

After adding the encryption credentials, fill in the following details for the integrations in production.yml.enc by running bin/rails credentials:edit --environment production.

Follow the links mentioned earlier to setup the bare-minimum integrations.

For applelink, choose any string as your secret. We will use this later.

Use the following template:




    private_key: |

    scopes: "app_mentions:read,channels:join,channels:manage,channels:read,chat:write,chat:write.public,files:write,groups:read,groups:write,im:read,im:write,usergroups:read,users.profile:read,users:read,users:read.email,commands,usergroups:write"

    iss: "tramline"
    aud: "applelink"
    secret: "any password"

    private_pem: |

Save the credentials file and commit your changes. Use this button from your fork to kick-off a Render deployment.

Deploy to Render

The blueprint will ask for the RAILS_MASTER_KEY. Use the contents of production.key from the previous step.

Setup applelink

If you would like to use the App Store integration, you'd have to configure the applelink service. You can skip this section otherwise.

  1. To start off, in your fork, uncomment the applelink section from the render.yaml file.
  2. Secondly, to your encryption file, add this to the integrations section, by running bin/rails credentials:edit --environment production. Choose a secret key for authorization.
    iss: "tramline.dev"
    aud: "applelink"
    secret: "any password"
  1. Commit your changes and resync the blueprint on Render. This will kick-off the applelink service. This will most likely fail to deploy on the first attempt, because it requires certain environment configuration. To do that, create a Secret File under applelink > Settings > Environment > Secret Files called .env and update with the following details by putting the applelink secret from the previous step under AUTH_SECRET:

Wrap up

Before we wrap up, we need to fix a couple of ENV variables:

  1. If you have setup applelink in the previous step, you must add an APPLELINK_URL to site-web with the final DNS of the applelink service.
  2. The HOSTNAME in site-web and site-jobs must be updated to point to the DNS of site-web (without the protocol).

Once all services on Render are green, your setup should look like this:

render.com services

That should be it! You can use the default DNS from site-web to launch Tramline. You can configure and tweak more settings later.

Local development 🛠️


For local development on macOS, clone this repository and run the included setup script:


Note: If you already have a previous dev environment that you're trying to refresh, the easiest thing to do is to drop your database and run setup again.

rails db:drop

Refer to db/seeds.rb for credentials on how to login using the seed users.


  • Place the master.key file in the config directory.
  • Start ngrok for webhooks.
  • Start PostgreSQL and Redis using Homebrew services.
  • Finally, run bin/dev.


Webhooks need access to the application over the Internet and that requires tunneling on the localhost environment. We use ngrok, and you should run it like this:

ngrok http https://localhost:3000

If you'd like to use the custom DNS tunnel, add the following to your ngrok config file,

version: "2"
authtoken: # put your authtoken
region: in
    proto: http
    hostname: # add the tunnel hostname
    addr: https://localhost:3000

You can run this configured tunnel via

ngrok start tramline_dev

or through the Procfile.dev

Adding or updating gems

  • Use bundle add <gem> to add a new gem.
  • To update a gem use bundle update <gem>.

Using the bundle add tool auto-applies the pessimistic operator in the Gemfile. Although Gemfile.lock is the correct source of gem versions, specifying the pessimistic operator makes for a simpler and safer update path through bundler for future users.

Doing this for development/test groups is optional.


We use SSL locally and certificates are also generated as part of the setup script. It's recommended to use https://tramline.local.gd:3000.

This is the default HOST_NAME that can be changed via .env.development if necessary.

Letter Opener

All e-mails are caught and can be viewed here.


The dashboard for all background jobs can be viewed here.


All feature-flags are managed through flipper. The UI can be viewed here.

Contributing 👩🏻‍💻

We are still in the early stages and would <3 any feedback you have to offer. You can get in touch with us in several ways: