LOG8415: Final Project

Scaling Databases and Implementing Cloud Patterns

Author: Simon Tran - 1961278


  1. Create 5 t2.micro EC2 instances (for standalone, master, slave1, slave2, slave3)
  2. Create 1 t2.large instance for the proxy server
  3. Add the IP addresses of all the VMs in the .env file. You may use this command to easily get all the IPs
    aws ec2 describe-instances --output table --query 'Reservations[].Instances[].[Tags[?Key==`Name`] | [0].Value, PublicIpAddress, PrivateIpAddress]'
  4. Run the installation script


./scripts.sh standalone start sysbench
./scripts.sh master start sysbench


./scripts.sh proxy dependencies
./scripts.sh proxy install

./scripts.sh proxy start

Test some queries

./scripts.sh proxy query direct-hit "SHOW STATUS;"
./scripts.sh proxy query random "SELECT * FROM actor;"
./scripts.sh proxy query customized "SHOW DATABASES;"

./scripts.sh proxy query random "SHOW VARIABLES WHERE Variable_name = 'ndb_nodeid';"
./scripts.sh proxy query customized "SHOW VARIABLES WHERE Variable_name = 'hostname';"

Useful commands

# To connect to the VM via SSH
./scripts.sh master connect

# You may also use `connect` to run commands
./scripts.sh master connect "ps aux"

# To run SQL commands on the VM
./scripts.sh master sql "SHOW DATABASES;"

Stop processes

./scripts.sh master stop ndb
./scripts.sh master stop mysql

Status commands

./scripts.sh master status mysql
./scripts.sh master status cluster
./scripts.sh master status ndb
./scripts.sh master status sakila

NDB Manage

./scripts.sh master manage