An online newspaper website built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (NodeJS). The final project of the Web Application Development course at FIT@HCMUS.
Our team includes 3 members, and each member does the work of a UI/UX Designer, Front-end Developer, and Back-end Developer, for a user role:
- Regular user, Subscriber: tranbaoanhh27
- Editor, Writer: phanquocky
- Administrator: trungitk16nbk
The project uses a number of open-source projects to work properly:
- NodeJs - Back-end JavaScript runtime environment.
- ExpressJs - Framework for building RESTful APIs with Node.js.
- Bootstrap - HTML, CSS Framework
- Sequelize - A modern TypeScript and Node.js ORM.
- PassportJs - Authentication middleware for Node.js.
- HandlebarsJs - Build semantic templates effectively.
- Firebase - Cloud computing services and application development platforms.
- Bcrypt - A library to help you hash passwords.
- Braintree - Tools to integrate Braintree's global payments platform.
- connect-redis - Provides Redis session storage for Express.
- connect-flash - Use Flash memory on Express 3.0+ apps.
- node-mailjet - Send email in Nodejs.
- puppeteer - Provides a high-level API to control Chrome/Chromium over the DevTools Protocol.
The website is deployed on Render:
- This project was developed using NodeJS version 18.16.0. It requires NodeJS installed to run. Follow instructions on NodeJS official website to install NodeJS.
- Clone the project:
git clone
- Configure Database connection in ./config/config.json
- Install dependencies and run:
cd katnews && npm install && npm start