- .editorconfig: settings for ide editor
- Package Manager: npm
- sharing work in progress: localtunnel, ngrock, now, surge
- lets you expose app running from local machine globally
- Javascript automation: grunt, gulp, npm scripts
- Transpiling: babel
- Bundling: ES6 modules + webpack
- Sourcemaps. Maps transpiled code back to the original source
- generated as part of our build
- Linting. ESLint
- enforce consistency
- avoid mistakes
- has eslint plugins + presets
- Testing + Continuous Integration:
- Mocha
- Assertion library: chai
- Helper library: jsdom, cheerio
- Test Runners: PhantomJS, JSDOM
- Continuous Integration: TravisCI, Appveyor
- Mock HTTP Calls
- JSON Schema Faker
- faker.js, chance.js, randexp.js
- Http Calls:
- Browser: fetch
- Node: http, request
- Node and Browser: Axios
- Error Logging. TrackJS