Thrustmaster HOTAS Warthog+Virpil - Customized HID Mapping
Modified by: trancaruas
Initial Version:  1.0  
Initial Author:   Sedenion
Initial Release:  2018

The Thrustmaster HOTAS Warthog "Universal HID Mapping" is an advanced 
programming TARGET script which provides enhanced mapping using only HID (DX) 
buttons. The HID buttons (DX) based mapping allow to use the same profile for 
several games or situations, since all buttons can be assigned directly in 
your favorite game(s).

While the standard mapping is limited to 32 HID buttons, this script takes 
advantage of an hidden Thrustmaster's driver capability which allow to 
emulate up to 120 HID buttons with 8 POV Hat positions. This profile currently 
use 86 buttons with 8 POV hat positions.

Using "TARGET Script Editor":

- Launch "TARGET Script Editor", open the "main.tmc" file then click the 
  "Run" button.


- Launch "TARGET GUI", Click the "RUN CONFIGURATION" button, then open the
  "main.tmc" file.

The Shift-Submode and Long-Press mapping can be easily customised by editing 
the "main.tmc" file. It is possible to:

 - Disable the Long-Press mapping for each button and HAT individually. 
 - Disable the Shift-Submode feature.
 - Modify the Shift-Submode activation button.
 - Disable the Shift-Submode mapping for Hat4 or Boat Switch individually.
 - Modify the LED brightness.
 - Disable the backlight.
 - Modify or disable LED/Button control mapping.

Customization is straightforward: you will find macros definition at the top 
of the file, you simply have to modify the values to the desired ones.
