
Wrapper around joshsh's implementation of an importer from WordNet to Neo4j

Primary LanguageJava


Wrapper around joshsh's implementation of an importer from WordNet to Neo4j

Please check:




$ lein uberjar


Assuming $WORDNET_DIR is the folder where you want to download WordNet 3.0 and $NEO4J the folder where Neo4j is installed:

  1. Download WordNet with: cd $WORDNET_ROOT ; git clone git://eculture.cs.vu.nl/home/git/vocs/wordnet
  2. Disable Lucene indexes in $NEO4J/conf/neo4j.properties:
# Autoindexing

# Enable auto-indexing for nodes, default is false

# The node property keys to be auto-indexed, if enabled

# Enable auto-indexing for relationships, default is false

# The relationship property keys to be auto-indexed, if enabled
  1. Restart and stop the Neo4j server: cd $NEO4J ; bin/neo4j restart ; bin/neo4j stop
  2. Backup your Neo4j database if needed: cd $NEO4J ; mv data data.backup
  3. Run WordnetLoader with two arguments:
$ lein run $WORDNET_ROOT/wordnet/rdf/full $NEO4J/data/graph.db
  1. Start the Neo4j server: cd $NEO4J ; bin/neo4j start