The website lists available modules from the index and gives you easy commands to copy.
The CFEngine Build System (cfbs) comes with no warranty and is not supported. This is a work in progress, everything will change. Use at your own risk!
export GITHUB_USERNAME_TOKEN='place githubName@token here'
npm install
npm install -g grunt-cli
grunt modules-update
grunt lunr-index
grunt copy-lunr-src
npx -p less lessc --compress /cfbs-web/themes/cfbs-theme/styles/cfbs.less /cfbs-web/themes/cfbs-theme/static/css/style.min.css
cd public
python3 -m http.server
hugo serve
Using docker / podman to build and serve is fairly straight forward:
export GITHUB_USERNAME_TOKEN='place githubName@token here'
docker build --build-arg GITHUB_USERNAME_TOKEN --tag cfbs-website -f Dockerfile .
docker run -p 80:80 --name cfbs-website --rm cfbs-website
- modules - Official modules provided by the CFEngine team
- cfbs - Command line client
- cfbs-index - Index of modules
- cfbs-web - Website
- cfbs-example - Example project using cfbs