
List out basic commands to use MongoDB Community Edition 7.0


List out basic commands to use MongoDB Community Edition 7.0 with MacOS


  1. Tap the MongoDB Homebrew Tap to download the official Homebrew formula for MongoDB and the Database Tools:
brew tap mongodb/brew
  1. To update Homebrew and all existing formulae:
brew update
  1. To install MongoDB:
brew install mongodb-community@7.0

The installation includes the following binaries:

Intel Processor Apple Silicon Processor
configuration file /usr/local/etc/mongod.conf /opt/homebrew/etc/mongod.conf
log directory /usr/local/var/log/mongodb /opt/homebrew/var/log/mongodb
data directory /usr/local/var/mongodb /opt/homebrew/var/mongodb

Run MongoDB Community Edition

As a MacOS service

  • To run MongoDB (i.e. the mongod process) as a macOS service, run:

    brew services start mongodb-community@7.0
  • To stop a mongod running as a macOS service:

    brew services stop mongodb-community@7.0
  • To verify that MongoDB is running

    brew services list

As a background process

  • To run mongod manually using a config file, run:

    For macOS running Intel processors:

    mongod --config /usr/local/etc/mongod.conf --fork

    For macOS running on Apple Silicon processors:

    mongod --config /opt/homebrew/etc/mongod.conf --fork
  • To run mongod manually specifying --dbpath and --logpath on the command line, run:

    mongod --dbpath /path/to/dbdir --logpath /path/to/mongodb.log --fork
  • To stop a mongod running, connect to the mongod using mongosh, and issue the shutdown command as needed.

  • To verify that MongoDB is running:

    ps aux | grep -v grep | grep mongod

    Log file of mongod process: /usr/local/var/log/mongodb/mongo.log.

Connect and Use MongoDB

To begin using MongoDB, connect mongosh to the running instance. From a new terminal, issue the following:

  • monitoring tools:

Configuration file

  • To view:

    cat /opt/homebrew/etc/mongod.conf


      destination: file
      path: /opt/homebrew/var/log/mongodb/mongo.log
      logAppend: true
      dbPath: /opt/homebrew/var/mongodb
      bindIp:, ::1
      ipv6: true
