A simple multi-user blog extension for eXo Platform social intranet. It's a showcase of eXo content management capabilities.
You can discuss or find help on Blog Extension Community Space
Target : eXo Platform 4.0
You can install the extension very easily using the add-ons manager
./addon.sh --install exo-blog-extension:1.1.0
If you don't have it already, you can quickly install the add-ons manager :
cd platform-4.0.5/
curl -L http://sourceforge.net/projects/exo/files/Addons/Add-ons%20Manager/addons-manager-1.0.0-alpha-2.zip/download -o addons-manager-1.0.0-alpha-2.zip
unzip addons-manager-1.0.0-alpha-2.zip
If you don't want to install the add-ons manager on your eXo, you can still rely on the build-in extension.sh script that ships with eXo Platform 4.0.
cd platform-4.0.5/extensions
curl -L http://sourceforge.net/projects/exo/files/Addons/Blog%20Extension/exo-blog-extension-1.1.0.zip/download -o exo-blog-extension-1.1.0.zip
unzip exo-blog-extension-1.1.0.zip
cd ..
unzip exo-blog-extension-1.1.0.zip
./extension.sh -i exo-blog-extension-1.1.0
Prerequisite : install Maven 3.
git clone https://github.com/exo-addons/blog-extension.git
cd exoblog
then build the project with maven :
mvn clean install
./deploy.sh -m
Prerequisite : install eXo Platform 4.0 Tomcat bundle and rename it tomcat/
./deploy.sh -u
cp config/target/blog-config*.jar tomcat/lib
cp webapp/target/blog.war tomcat/webapp
Use eXo start script :
cd tomcat
./deploy.sh -r
Now, point your browser to http://localhost:8080/portal/intranet/blog and login with john/gtn
./deploy.sh -h
Script usage :
-r start or restart the Tomcat server (default: do nothing)
-m build / rebuild with maven (default: do nothing)
-u update the project binaries in Tomcat (default: do nothing)
-c cleanup the Tomcat Platform (default: do nothing)
(data + logs + temp)
-t <path> the Platform Tomcat directory (default: tomcat)
-d <path> the Platform data directory (default: <TOMCAT-DIR>/gatein/data)
You can combine the r / m / u / c switches together to chain several actions.
For exemple you can rebuild the project, update the binaries and restart the tomcat with the following command :
./deploy.sh -m -u -r