
Source code of paper "Domain Generalisation of NMT: Fusing Adapters with Leave-One-Domain-Out Training" - ACL Findings2022

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


pip install -r requirements.txt

# install fairseq
cd fairseq
pip install --editable ./


For example, we have data coming from three domains (law, medical, ted) for several language pairs (en-de, sl-it, en -es, etc). The binarized data should be structure as follow

  |-- one dictionary file for each language
     |-- train.en-de.en.bin
     |-- train.en-de.en.idx
     |-- train.en-de.de.bin
     |-- train.en-de.de.idx
     |-- valid.en-de.en.bin
     |-- valid.en-de.en.idx
     |-- valid.en-de.de.bin
     |-- valid.en-de.de.idx
     |-- ... similar for other language pairs
     |-- ... similar as other domains
     |-- ... similar as other domains

Note that, there is not necessary to have bilingual data for all language pairs in any given domain.

Preprocessing and binarization script is similar to standard fairseq NMT. See preprocess/law/tokenize_and_binarize .sh for example. A slightly modified tokenization script tok.sh from m2m projects can be found under m2m_100 folder.

Training models

Train adapter and AdapterFusion

Backbone training scripts can be found in scripts/run-wmt-backbone.sh and scripts/run-md-backbone.sh.


Training script: we use translation_multilingual_multidomain task arch domain_adapter_mbart_large which defined in the --user-dir ./mdml-nmt

An example training script can be found in scripts/run-adapter.sh. For example, to add target language tag to encoder, we can add --encoder-langtok tgt

### example hparam for tag control

./run-adapter.sh exp-name $hparam

Decoding script is in scripts/eval-adapter-fusion-md-backbone.sh and scripts/eval-adapter-fusion-wmt-backbone.sh.


Training script: we use translation_multilingual_multidomain task arch domain_adapter_mbart_large which defined in the --user-dir ./mdml-nmt, adapter-dir is the path to adapter weights $ADAPTER_DIR. The adapter layer for domain $d should be saved in $ADAPTER_DIR/$d.

An example training script can be found in runs/run-fusion.sh. We can control how to form a minibatch to train adapterfusion layer by adding addtional options to the training script.

### example hparam for tag control
# LODO with mixed domain batches

# All domains with homogeneous batches

# All domains with mixed domain batches
hparam="--disable-leave-one-out --mixed-batch"

./run-fusion.sh exp-name $hparam

Decoding script is in scripts/eval-adapter-fusion-md-backbone.sh and scripts/eval-adapter-fusion-wmt-backbone.sh.

NMT with domain discriminators

Joint training NMT objective with domain discrimination objective $L_disc = log Pr(d|x) + H(Pr(d|x)$ to learn a domain-aware encoder and domain-agnostic encoder with gradient reversal layer.

Training script: we use translation_multilingual_multidomain task, domain_aware_xent_with_smoothing criterion, arch domain_agnostic_mbart_large which defined in the --user-dir ./mdml-nmt

An example training script can be found in scripts/run-disc-adv-from-mbart.sh.