This codebase implements the representation learning method from The Laplacian in RL: Learning Representations with Efficient Approximations..
The implementation includes (i) representation learning and (ii) using the learned represetations for reward shaping.
This codebase is a re-implementation and was not the one used for generating the experiment results in the paper. The experiment code only includes the grid-world environments but not the Mujoco control ones.
Please refer to
for running representation learning, reward shaping, and visualizing representations.
is for plotting the learning curve comparisons between different shaped rewards.
The code works with Python>=3.6 and PyTorch>=1.0.
If you use this codebase for your research, please cite the paper:
title={The Laplacian in RL: Learning Representations with Efficient Approximations},
author={Wu, Yifan and Tucker, George and Nachum, Ofir},
booktitle={International Conference on Learning Representations},
Visualize learned representations:
Compare learning curves: