
Efficient Parallel Time-aware Topic Modeling on Multi-core CPU.

Primary LanguageJava

Parallel_Topic_Modeling: An Efficient Time-aware Topic Modeling Parallelization


Parallel_Topic_Modeling is a Java implementation of parallel Gibbs sampling for topic modeling based on a novel data partitioning algorithm. The source code supports learning topic distributions of large corpus using LDA and BoT (a simple and effective time-aware topic model), with efficient parallelization speedup on multi-core CPU. Our code is based on JGibbLDA, a non-parallel LDA implementation.


We also built a dataset that contains time-stamped documents for time-aware topic modeling experiments. The dataset contains over 1 million scientific papers in the computer science domain from 1951 to 2010, crawled from Microsoft Academic Search (MAS), finished in November 2012. The dataset can be downloaded at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8gXe63FdGk5OEVfaVl6VTlsb2c (.zip, 595 MB).

Data format:

Document file:

Line 1: number of documents.
Line 2: word list of document 1, each word separated by space.
Line 3: word list of document 2, each word separated by space.

Timestamp file:

Line 1: number of distinct timestamps
Line 2: earliest timestamp
Line 3: latest timestamp
Line 4: timestamp of document 1
Line 5: timestamp of document 2

The source code also supports other popular dataset formats, such as NIPS and NYTimes.

How to use

Parallel_Topic_Modeling can either be used in command line or as a library in you code. You can specify the model (LDA or BoT), the number of parallel threads, how to partition data, etc. You can use the pre-built jar file directly.


LDA Model:
The following command estimates the topic distribution of MAS corpus (the above dataset) using LDA model, parallelized in 10 threads, where MAS_doc_removedSW.txt is document file.
java -Xmx64g -cp ./Code/Parallel_Topic_Modeling.jar cgs_lda_multicore.UI.PLDA -est -dir ./Data/MAS -dfile MAS_doc_removedSW.txt -datafileformat Private -dfiletrain -dfiletest -alpha 0.5 -beta 0.1 -ntopics 150 -niters 200 -burnin 100 -savestep 0 -twords 100 -howtogetdist 1 -threadpoolsize 0 -P 10 -shuffle 10 -howtopart 2

It can be shortened using default value as:
java -Xmx64g -cp ./Code/Parallel_Topic_Modeling.jar cgs_lda_multicore.UI.PLDA -est -dir ./Data/MAS -dfile MAS_doc_removedSW.txt -alpha 0.5 -beta 0.1 -threadpoolsize 0 -P 10

BoT Model:
The following command estimates the topic distribution of MAS corpus (the above dataset) using BoT model, parallelized in 10 threads, where MAS_doc_removedSW.txt is document file and MAS_ts.txt is timestamp file. Note that for BoT model, we change the class to cgs_lda_multicore.UI.PLDA_BoT. We also specify some new options such as timestamp file, timestamp file format, time prior gamma, time array length L, how to shuffle timestamps.
java -Xmx64g -cp ./Code/Parallel_Topic_Modeling.jar cgs_lda_multicore.UI.PLDA_BoT -est -dir ./Data/MAS -dfile MAS_doc_removedSW.txt -tsfile MAS_ts.txt -datafileformat Private -tsfileformat Single -dfiletrain -dfiletest -alpha 0.5 -beta 0.1 -gamma 0.1 -ntopics 150 -L 8 -niters 200 -burnin 100 -savestep 0 -twords 100 -howtogetdist 1 -threadpoolsize 0 -P 10 -shuffle 10 -shufflets 100 -howtopart 2

It can be shortened using default value as:
java -Xmx64g -cp ./Code/Parallel_Topic_Modeling.jar cgs_lda_multicore.UI.PLDA_BoT -est -dir ./Data/MAS -dfile MAS_doc_removedSW.txt -tsfile MAS_ts.txt -alpha 0.5 -beta 0.1 -gamma 0.1 -threadpoolsize 0 -P 10

Please see files /src/jgibblda/LDACmdOption.java and /src/cgs_lda_multicore/Utility/PLDACmdOption.java for explanation of commandline options.

For using in your code as a library, please see sample files /src/cgs_lda_multicore/TestSite/Testing.java for LDA and /src/cgs_lda_multicore/TestSite/Testing_BoT.java for BoT.

The source code was written in Java using Ant-based NetBeans project format, which can be opened in NetBeans IDE. For other IDEs, please see the Maven port.


Parallel_Topic_Modeling is a free software under GNU GPL 3.0.

The dataset is provided under open ODC-BY License 1.0.

Corresponding paper:
If you find the codes or data useful, please cite the following paper.
Hung Nghiep Tran, Atsuhiro Takasu. Partitioning Algorithms for Improving Efficiency of Topic Modeling Parallelization. PacRim 2015.

For more information, please visit the website: https://sites.google.com/site/tranhungnghiep