
This is a Java code quality training material.

This is a simple Master Data Management. You are a service provider to provide the service to validate data from clients and send statistic reports to state governments.

Application will process data with below requirements:

Load, validate, and extract data from a TAB file to a Contact list

TAB file header: id, first_name, last_name, date_of_birth, company_name, address, city, county, state, zip, phone1, phone2, email, web

Contact properties: id, firstName, lastName, dateOfBirth, address, city, state, zipCode, mobilePhone, email

Input file example:

id	first_name	last_name	company_name	date_of_birth	address	city	county	state	zip	phone1	phone2	email	website
1	James	Butt	Benton, John B Jr	01/06/1929	6649 N Blue Gum St	New Orleans	Orleans	LA	70116	504-621-8927	504-845-1427	jbutt@gmail.com	http://www.bentonjohnbjr.com
2	Josephine	Darakjy	Chanay, Jeffrey A Esq	02/01/1945	4 B Blue Ridge Blvd	Brighton	Livingston	MI	48116	810-292-9388	810-374-9840	josephine_darakjy@darakjy.org	http://www.chanayjeffreyaesq.com
3	Art	Venere	Chemel, James L Cpa	09/02/1960	8 W Cerritos Ave #54	Bridgeport	Gloucester	NJ	8014	856-636-8749	856-264-4130	art@venere	http://www.chemeljameslcpa.com
4	Lenna	Paprocki	Feltz Printing Service	08/01/1915	639 Main St	Anchorage	Anchorage	AK	99501	907-385-4412	907-921-2010	lpaprocki@hotmail.com	http://www.feltzprintingservice.com
5	Donette	Foller	Printing Dimensions	05/14/1950	34 Center St	Hamilton	Butler	OH	45011	513-570-1893	513-549-4561	donette.foller@cox.net	http://www.printingdimensions.com

Validate Contact fields

Validation rules: not empty, max length, pattern matching, valid reference

Store ‘valid’ Contact to file system

TAB file header: id, first_name, last_name, date_of_birth, address, city, state, zip_code, mobile_phone, email

Order by zip_code

Output file example:

id	first_name	last_name	day_of_birth	address	city	state	zip_code	mobile_phone	email
5	Donette	Foller	05/14/1950	34 Center St	Hamilton	OH	45011	513-570-1893	donette.foller@cox.net
2	Josephine	Darakjy	02/01/1945	4 B Blue Ridge Blvd	Brighton	MI	48116	810-292-9388	josephine_darakjy@darakjy.org
1	James	Butt	01/06/1929	6649 N Blue Gum St	New Orleans	LA	70116	504-621-8927	jbutt@gmail.com
4	Lenna	Paprocki	08/01/1915	639 Main St	Anchorage	AK	99501	907-385-4412	lpaprocki@hotmail.com		

Report statistics

Contact per states

TAB file header: state_code, number_of_contact

Output file example:

state_code	number_of_contact
HI	3
TX	19
FL	20
NV	2
WA	3
NY	35

Contact per age groups of year 2016

TAB file header: group, number_of_contact, percent_of_contact

Output file example:

group	number_of_contact	percentage_of_contact
Middle age	50	15%
Senior	147	44%
Adolescent	23	6%
Adult	82	24%
Children	29	8%

Note: There is a bug that the total percentage of contact is not 100%. Please fix it.

Note: age groups

group	age
Children	<9
Adolescent	10-19
Adult	20-45
Middle age	46-60
Senior	>60

Grading table

Item Definition Grade Note
1 Reading ‘Clean Code’ book (2 random questions) 15
2 Applying KMS Java Coding Standards 10
3 Descriptive names, comments 10
4 Error handlings 10
5 Unit-testing (80% coverage) 20 (-10 if there is no unit test)
6 Can fix the percentage bug 5
7 Applying OO Principles (SOLID, DRY…), Design Patterns 15
8 Java techniques (Reflection, Annotation, Java 8 Stream API, Lambda…) 15
9 Performance Improvement (bonus) 10
Total Score 110