
Primary LanguagePython

Management for Emergency Response Volunteers

##Django Apps: Tasks, Recommender, API, merv

Tasks: handles task creation, storage, updating, and deleting

  • Models
  • Task
    • id : Task ID
    • collaborative : team collaboration skills necessary
    • language : foreign language experience needed
    • outdoor : task environment - indoor vs outdoor
    • transportation : transportation resources required
    • strength : corresponds to physical intensity of the given task
    • task_name : name of the task
    • task_description : description of task
    • timestamp : datetime of task creation
    • updated : datetime of last task update
  • Views:
    • TaskCreate: view for creating a task
    • TaskUpdate: view for updating a task
    • TaskList: generate task recommendations for a User
    • TaskDetail: API endpoint for task CRUD
    • Generate: generate and populate the Task Model with randomized test values
  • URLS: /tasks/
    • create, tasklist, taskdetail/<pk>, /<pk>, rate/<pk>
    • : the primary key of each task

Recommender: handles user-task ratings, and recommendations

  • Models
  • Rating
    • id: Rating ID
    • task: foreignkey corresponding to a task
    • user: foreignkey corresponding to a user
    • score: rating for the given task from the user
  • Recommendation
    • id: Recommendation ID
    • task: foreignkey corresponding to a task
    • user: foreignkey corresponding to a user
    • predicted_score: predicted rating for the given task for a user
  • CosineTaskSimilarity - used in content based filtering
    • id: Cosine similarity ID
    • user: foreignkey corresponding to a user
    • task: foreignkey corresponding to a task
    • similarity: cosine similarity between a task and a user


  • Models
  • User - extends AbstractBaseUser and PermissionsMixin
  • id: User ID
  • date_joined: DateTimeField of when the user registered
  • email: EmailField storing user email
  • first_name: CharField storing user's first name
  • last_name: CharField storing the user's last name
  • password: PBKDF2 encrypted password
  • Views
  • userlist : generate a list of all users
  • UserDetail : get details of the current user

API Endpoints

  • tasklist - returns the list of recommend tasks for the current user
  • taskdetail - returns the details of a specific task
  • userlist - returns a list of users
  • userdetail - returns the details of a user given their primary key

##LocalHost Deployment

  • remove the virtual environment - and create a new one
rm -rf env 
virtual env
  • activate the virtualenv
source env/bin/activate
  • install django and other requirements [some requirements may not be installed using pip / resolve these seperate to match requirements.txt]
pip install django
pip install -r requirements.txt
  • delete sqllite database
  • make fresh database
python manage.py schemamigration merv --initial
  • make the django migrations
python manage.py migrate merv
  • run the django application!
python manage.py runserver

Digital Ocean

Web application is deployed using Nginx and Gunicorn using a PostgreSQL. The nginx config files are located at /etc/bin/nginx

The Django project is located at /home/django/django_project.

  • to restart Nginx
service restart nginx
  • to restart gunicorn
service restart gunicorn