- 20
Some undefined variables in the new code
#21 opened by KalraA - 5
About requirements
#51 opened by HOMGH - 3
Complie the render layer the error
#62 opened by cyjouc - 0
Cannot run
#67 opened by qaz8788817 - 11
InvalidArgumentError: No OpKernel was registered to support Op 'ZbufferTriV2Sz224'
#36 opened by sariyanidi - 8
Demo (Test) code
#52 opened by HOMGH - 1
- 4
./ 行 15: nvcc: 未找到命令 g++: error: 没有那个文件或目录
#42 opened by huyanfei-cqupt - 11
G_loss_frecon = tf.zeros(1)???
#48 opened by huyanfei-cqupt - 1
Would some one share his inference code?
#30 opened by xingmimfl - 0
The problem about facial editting
#43 opened by csyuhao - 0
Generate 3DMM parameters.
#66 opened by quangtn266 - 15
How to get 3D mesh from your model's output?
#58 opened by HOMGH - 0
What is the version of tf?
#65 opened by mshmoon - 0
About the l2,1 loss
#64 opened by CharlesNord - 0
The file ‘good_images.dat’ was not found
#63 opened by wind-chenchen - 4
Insufficient computing power?
#44 opened by Adriana618-Love - 1
- 3
Testing the model
#45 opened by Adriana618-Love - 9
how to get m matrix from original raw/yaw/pitch?
#35 opened by xingmimfl - 12
Pretrained model
#57 opened by yuellong - 0
Has anyone solved the code in the model_non_linear_3DMM file for solving the perceptual loss G_loss_frecon?
#61 opened by huyanfei-cqupt - 0
- 7
- 3
- 7
Pytorch reimplementation
#37 opened by zhangmozhe - 11
the m(matrix data) in *_param.dat
#22 opened by wangxinjun56 - 2
training configuration
#26 opened by zhangxuan1918 - 0
Training config. (Training set size?)
#55 opened by HOMGH - 4
Error in running : undefined symbol: _ZN10tensorflow12OpDefBuilder5InputESs
#54 opened by HOMGH - 2
NotFoundError: ./TF_newop/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
#41 opened by huyanfei-cqupt - 0
- 5
- 1
InternalError: Failed to create session.
#50 opened by HOMGH - 0
- 3
InvalidArgumentError (see above for traceback): No OpKernel was registered to support Op 'ZbufferTriV2Sz224' with these attrs. Registered devices: [CPU], Registered kernels: device='GPU' [[Node: ZbufferTriV2Sz224_15 = ZbufferTriV2Sz224[](transpose_16, Const_3, Squeeze_31)]]'
#46 opened by huyanfei-cqupt - 5
- 2
TensorFlow 2.0
#40 opened by Adriana618-Love - 2
albedo is a const color all the time
#39 opened by Easonzero - 1
Barycentric Coordinates error?
#27 opened by Trueyellow - 0
Can anyone reproduce the performance in paper?
#34 opened by hungsing92 - 0
How to test the model
#33 opened by xiaomihefeifei - 4
mask from zbuffer
#23 opened by wangxinjun56 - 1
- 0
About reconstruction loss
#29 opened by Agent-INF - 1
About pretrain
#28 opened by Xudong7Chen - 0
- 0
environment configuration
#19 opened by firelgh - 0
environment configuration
#18 opened by firelgh - 0
environment configuration
#20 opened by firelgh