
A Python HTTP process management utility.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Zygote is a Python program that assists in running pre-forked Python web applications. The problem it attempts to solve is the ability to deploy new code, and have HTTP workers efficiently move over to serving the new code, without causing any service interruptions.

Let's say you're serving an application, and the currently deployed version is called A. You're trying to deploy a new version of your web app, and that version is called B. The ideal way this would work is like so:

  • A new Python interpreter P starts up, imports code from B and does all of the static initialization and loads modules. This process will only happen once.
  • New HTTP workers are created by forking P. Due to the use of forking, new workers don't need to reimport lots of code (so starting a worker is cheap), and workers can share static data structures (so starting a new worker consumes significantly less memory).
  • In progress requests that are being run from the A version of the code should be allowed to complete, and not be interrupted; deploying new code should not cause anyone to get an HTTP 500 response, or even be noticeable by users. However, as requests from A complete, they should exit and allow B workers to be spawned.
  • The deploy code needs to be cognizant of how many HTTP workers the system is capable of running (usually this means don't run more workers than you have RAM allocated for), so if a machine is capable of supporting 200 workers, and 100 of them are serving requests for A at the time of the deploy, at first the 100 idle A workers can be killed and 100 B workers can be spawned, and then A workers are killed and B workers are spawned as the A workers complete their requests.

This is what Zygote does. New code deployments happen more quickly, use less CPU and disk at startup, and workers use less memory. Zygote has an embedded HTTP server based on the one provided by Tornado, but this is complementary to a real, full-fledged HTTP server like Apache or Nginx -- Zygote's expertise is just in managing Python web processes. It's OK to run Apache or Nginx in front of Zygote.

Zygote is known to work with Python 2.5+. Zygote has been tested with PyPy 1.5+, and should work fine.

Zygote is licensed under the Apache Licence, Version 2.0. You should find a copy of this license along with the Zygote source, in the LICENSE file.

How It Works

The concept of "zygote" processes on Unix systems is not new; see Chromium's LinuxZygote wiki page for a description of how they're used in the Chromium browser. In the Zygote process model there is a process tree that looks something like this:

  `--- zygote A
  |     `--- worker
  |      --- worker
  `--- zygote B
        `--- worker
         --- worker

(Some other zygote models like those used by HAProxy and Chrome have a slightly different, flatter process tree, but the diagram shows how it works in Zygote).

When the master zygote process wants to spawn a copy of B, it forks, and the forked process, the B zygote, can then fork again to create workers. Because the workers are created using the fork(2) system call, the zygotes can import Python modules once and the workers spawned will automatically have all of the code available to them, initialized and in memory. Not only is this faster, it also saves a lot of memory compared to reimporting the code multiple times, and having identical pages in memory that are unshared.

Transitioning code from A to B as described in the previous section consists of the master killing idle workers and instructing the appropriate zygote to fork.

Internally, communication between the different processes is done using abstract unix domain sockets.

If you use a command like pstree or ps -eFH you can verify that the process tree looks as expected. Additionally, if you have the setproctitle Python module available, the processes will set their titles such that it's easy to see what version of the code everything is running.

How to Use It

To use Zygote, you need to write a module that implements a get_application() method. That method can take any number of string arguments, and must return an object that can be used by a Tornado HTTPServer object (typically this would be an instance of tornado.web.Application). Any extra arguments passed to zygote on the command line will be fed in as positional arguments to get_application(), so you can pass in extra data (e.g. the path to a config file) using this mechanism; however, it is strongly encouraged that any arguments to get_application() be made optional arguments, since the zygote command line tool doesn't have any knowledge of the expected arguments and cannot display useful help or error messages to users.

Your application can be a "pure" Tornado web application, or a WSGI application. If you're using WSGI, make sure you first wrap the application using tornado.wsgi.WSGIContainer.

After that, an invocation of Zygote would be done like this:

python -m zygote.main -p 8000 -b ./example -m example

Let's break that down. The python -m zygote.main part instructs Python to run Zygote's main module. The parts after that are options and arguments. The -p 8000 option instructs Zygote that your application will be served from port 8000. The -b ./example option states that the symlink for your application exists at ./example. This does not strictly need to be a symlink, but the code versioning will only work if it is a symlink. The final option is -m example and that states that the module name for the application is example.

The example invocation given above will work if you run it from a clone of the Zygote source code. The -b option tells Zygote what to insert into sys.path to make your code runnable, and in the Zygote source tree there's a file named example/example.py. In other words, example gets added to sys.path and that makes example.py importable by doing import example.


Zygote is essentially a wrapper around Tornado's HTTP server, and therefore only works with Tornado applications. This means your application must be a valid Tornado application to use Zygote. Note, however, that this does not preclude you can from using WSGI applications with Zygote. On the contrary, you can use Tornado's tornado.wsgi.WSGIContainer class to wrap a WSGI application for use with Zygote.

Your application must be fork-safe to use Zygote. That means that it's best if creating non-forksafe resources such as database connections is not done as a side-effect of importing your code, and only done upon initialization of the code. If you do have non-forksafe resources in your code, you need to write code that reinitializes those resources when the application is instantiated (or by detecting when the current PID changes).

Zygote supports IPv4 only. Support for IPv6 should be easy to add (Tornado already supports it), if there's a need.

The Zygote project is developed by Yelp, but Zygote is not currently considered stable enough to run as the frontend for the main site (i.e. http://www.yelp.com/ is not running on Zygote). At Yelp we are using Zygote for other internal services. When the main site runs off of Zygote, you're sure to hear about it in a blog post or other announcement.


There are unit tests, which exist in the tests directory. You should be able to run them by invoking make test, e.g.:

evan@zeno ~/code/zygote (master) $ make test
tests.test ZygoteTests.test_http_get ... ok in 2.53s

PASSED.  1 test / 1 case: 1 passed (0 unexpected), 0 failed (0 expected).  (Total test time 2.53s)

Some caveats. You need a very recent version of Tornado to run the tests. This is to force Tornado to use the "simple" http client. Hopefully the API will be stable going forward from Tornado 0.2.0.

You will also need Testify to run the tests. Any version of Testify should work.