Load test with k6

Run on local

  • run with constant VUs: k6 run -e HOST=https://www.test1.leflair.io --vus 10 --duration 10s tests/signUp.js
  • run with rampage VUs: k6 run -e HOST=https://www.test1.leflair.io --stage 5m:10,20m:100,5m:10 tests/signUp.js

Run with docker

  • run: docker run -i -v $PWD/:/src loadimpact/k6 run -e HOST=https://www.test1.leflair.io --vus 10 --duration 10s /src/tests/api/signUp.js
  • http_reqs: total requests generated & total request per second (more is better)
  • http_req_duration: total time for server to process a request and respond completely (less is better) (equal to http_req_sending + http_req_waiting + http_req_receiving)
  • vus: number of virtual concurrent users generated
  • iterations: number of times the VUs executing the script
  • checks: number of failed checks
