This package will help you to using ActionSheetIOS(IOS) and BottomSheetDialog(Android).
Usage of this package same as for IOS and Android. Also this package usage same as ActionSheetIOS
Using ActionSheetIOS
component for IOS and using RecyclerView
and BottomSheetDialog
for Android as NativeModule
Version >= 1.0.0 now has AndroidX support. If you want to use this package without AndroidX support please use v0.2.3
Facebook RN blog post about v0.60 and AndroidX support:
- AndroidX support added.
With NPM
npm install --save rn-actionsheet-module
yarn add rn-actionsheet-module
After React Native v0.60 you don't need to link anything. Native Modules are now Autolinked
Automatic linking
react-native link rn-actionsheet-module
Manual Linking
Manual Installation (If something went wrong with react-native link)
Props | Type | Required | OS |
optionsIOS | array | Yes | IOS |
optionsAndroid | array | Yes | Android |
title | string | Yes | Android, IOS |
message | string | No | IOS |
destructiveButtonIndex | number | No | IOS |
cancelButtonIndex | number | No | IOS |
onCancelAndroidIndex | number | Yes | Android |
Android doesn't need any cancel option but back button or outside click will return onCancelAndroidIndex
import ActionSheet from 'rn-actionsheet-module'
<TouchableOpacity onPress={() => {
title : "Lorem ipsum",
optionsIOS : ["Cancel", "From Gallery", "From Camera"],
optionsAndroid : ["From Gallery", "From Camera"],
destructiveButtonIndex: null, // undefined // 1, 2, etc.,
cancelButtonIndex : 0, //
onCancelAndroidIndex: 3 // android doesn't need any cancel option but back button or outside click will return onCancelAndroidIndex
}, (index) => {
switch (index) {
case Platform.OS === "ios" ? 1 : 0 :{
alert("From Camera clicked")
case Platform.OS === "ios" ? 2 : 1 :{
alert("From Camera clicked")
case Platform.OS === "ios" ? 0 : 3 :{
<Text>Show ActionSheet</Text>
You can use more than one ActionSheet in same screen.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details