
Install package npm install package

Run server yarn start

  1. Bài 1: đọc data từ file

  2. Bài 2: Writing Middleware https://github.com/koajs/koa/blob/master/docs/guide.md#writing-middleware

  3. Bài 3: Middleware Best Practices. https://github.com/koajs/koa/blob/master/docs/guide.md#middleware-best-practices

  4. Bài 4: Combining multiple middleware with koa-compose https://github.com/koajs/koa/blob/master/docs/guide.md#combining-multiple-middleware-with-koa-compose

  5. Bài 5: sử dụng Koa-router

  6. Bài 6: sử dụng Koa-router truyền tham số qua url.

  7. Bài 7: truyền tham số JSON

curl -X POST \
  http://localhost:3000/post \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -d '{"name": "tran quang chung"}'
  1. Bài 8: Logging Requests on Console http://polyglot.ninja/koajs-mongodb-rest-api/

  2. Bài 9: RESTful routes and use MongoDB CRUD operations http://polyglot.ninja/rest-api-koajs-and-mongodb-part-2/

  3. Bài 10: JWT with KoaJS http://polyglot.ninja/rest-api-koajs-mongodb-part-3/

  4. Bài 11: Sử dụng template html và axios để kết nối server

  5. Bài 12: Sử dụng mongoose tạo SchemaModel theo kiểu Object Data Modeling (ODM) https://mongoosejs.com/docs/

curl -X POST \
  http://localhost:3000/kitten \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -d '{"name": "doremon"}'
  1. Bài 13: Admin page, Password hashing, Authentication https://itnext.io/koa-just-got-a-beautiful-auto-generated-admin-panel-f5f89d83e892

  2. Bài 14: Lập lịch https://github.com/agenda/agenda

  3. Bài 15: Upload file https://laptrinhx.com/simple-file-upload-using-koa-js-4161206947/

  4. Bài 16: chuyển đổi định dang mp3 <=> wav sử dụng child_process