========= PROJECT 1 ========= /* * README * ------ * Put the results of the Performance Test here. Also, include the names * of your team members and any special instructions for compiling, etc., * if you did something besides the standard Makefile. * * Group Members: Jose Rivera */ Performance Tests 1. Solid cube - 0.29 sec Wire cube - 0.23 sec 2. Quad cube - 0.29 sec 3. Quad array cube - 0.29 sec 4. Solid cone - 0.38 sec Wire cone - 0.35 sec 5. Triangle cone - 0.30 sec 6. Triangle array cone - 0.30 sec 7. Calculated cone - 0.29 sec The wire cube ran the quickest, though almost all of them ran at about the same speed. The only exception would be the glut cone, but I would guess this was because it had more slices and stacks than the other cones, and therefore more to render. Note: For the freeform scene, I decided that a static collection of models was quite boring and decided to try to use animation. For the animation timing, I have used an interval timer set by setitimer(), and I update the scene after receiving a SIGALRM signal. The scene is updated 60 times a second. ========= PROJECT 2 ========= Group Members: Jose Rivera Email Addresses: transfix@cs.utexas.edu L system: F-move forward FORWARD*SCALE meters. 0,1,2,3,4-sub-branch [,]-push/pop respectively L-draw terminating leaf R-rotate YROTATE degrees around the branch T-tilt (rotate TILT degrees about the z axis of the branch) Turtle starts at (modelx,modely,modelz), is facing upward (y), and it's plane is parallel with the xy axis Axiom: 0 0 -> FF[RL1][RR2][RRR3]F[RL3][RR1][RRR2]RFLR0 1 -> FL[T[RF]2]R[TRFL]RTFL4 2 -> FL[TRF3]RFLRTFL2 3 -> FL[TFL2RFL]R[T[RFLF3]]RTFL2 4 -> FL[TRFL4]RFLRTFL4 Compilation: just type 'make' Extra features: animation - smooth growing and randomized wind motion, true 3D L-system and tree. To enable growth, press 'h'. Group Questions: 1) When switching to an orthographic projection, the tree appears flat, and branches that come toward the screen when using the perspective projection just lie flat against all the other branches. 2) This is because when using an orthographic projection, all sense of depth is lost since perspective warping does not happen. ========= PROJECT 3 ========= /* * README * ------ * Include the names of your group members and any special instructions * for compiling, etc., if you did something besides the standard * Makefile. Also, document any additional features in this file. * * Group Members: Jose Rivera * */ To compile, just type 'make'. Pressing 'n' when the program is running draws the normals for the object. This was used to ensure that the normal calculations were correct. The program does not have an upper bound for the number of control points allowed since the model data is kept in a linked list. ========= PROJECT 4 ========= /* * README * ------ * Include the names of your group members and any special instructions * for compiling, etc., if you did something besides the standard * Makefile. Also, document any additional features in this file. * * Group Members: Jose Rivera * */ To compile, just type make. Extra features: Texture mapping, anti-aliasing, support for any quadratic surface (infinite or bounded).