Transform Metrics Repo

Welcome to your new Transform Project! See full install instructions on the install page to get started using Transform.


Configure Github Workflows

Transform uses Github Workflows to validate and commit new versions of your metrics configs to our service. In this template repo, we've already set up these workflows for you in the /.github directory.

By default, we will run validation checks on open PRs, and commit new metric configs to Transform whenever a new commit is merged to the main branch.

You'll need to save the Transform API key for your Service User within the Github Secrets for this repo under TRANSFORM_API_KEY={TRANSFORM_API_KEY} for the above actions to work properly.

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Configure BitBucket Pipelines

Transform also uses BitBucket Pipelines to validate and commit new versions of your metrics configs to our service. In this template repo, we've already set up these workflows for you in the bitbucket-pipelines.yml file.

By default, we will run validation checks on open PRs, and commit new metric configs to Transform whenever a new commit is merged to the main or master branch.

You'll need to save the Transform API key for your Service User within the BitBucket Variables for this repo under TRANSFORM_API_KEY={TRANSFORM_API_KEY} for the above actions to work properly.

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Configure GitLab Pipelines

Transform also uses GitLab Pipelines to validate and commit new versions of your metrics configs to our service. In this template repo, we've already set up these workflows for you in the .gitlab-ci.yml file.

By default, we will run validation checks on open PRs, and commit new metric configs to Transform whenever a new commit is merged to your default branch.

You'll need to save the Transform API key for your Service User within the GitLab Variables for this repo under TRANSFORM_API_KEY={TRANSFORM_API_KEY} for the above actions to work properly.

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Optional: Integrating Into An Existing Repository

Rather than storing your configs in a new repo, you can store them in specific directory within an existing repo. In addition to configuring the Github/Gitlab/Bitbucket Workflows & Pipelines above, you'll need to save the path to the directory of configs (relative to the repo-root, unquoted), within the Github Secrets/Gitlab Variables/Bitbucket Variables for this existing repo under TRANSFORM_CONFIG_DIR={TRANSFORM_CONFIG_DIR} for the above actions to work properly.

CLI Quick Start Guide

Some users prefer to set up a Python virtual environment in this directory, though this is optional:

python3 -m venv venv && source venv/bin/activate
  1. Install the Transform client CLI:
pip install transform_mql
  1. To authenticate to Transform MQL server using the CLI, navigate to this directory and run
mql setup

You will be asked to provide the API you created during setup, so have it handy.

MQL CLI Example

Below is a list of common MQL commands.

List all metrics available:

mql list-metrics

Run the revenue_usd metric by day:

mql query --metrics revenue_usd --dimensions ds

Change the output to be odered by decending day:

mql query --metrics revenue_usd --dimensions ds --order -ds

Add the country dimension from the separate customer data source. Notice the __ to indicate the join identifier:

mql query --metrics revenue_usd --dimensions ds --dimensions customer__country --order -ds

Run a ratio metric:

mql query --metrics cancellation_rate --dimensions ds --order -ds