
balamabam hello-world github intro repository

#hello-world balamabam

50+ trans dude just starting fouth year of transition, looking for education and a hoping for a job. working constantly on my education and while working toward change in our painful social-political reality of the day. working, learning, feeling, trying, looking to make a difference, but first, to make a living for my little family.

work passions? working to find it again, in design, and, for the first time, in coding. student at sdce.edu. had to leave coding class: long boring story. zzzzz. so trying to do it on my own. whew! so much info so little time!

yes, new to coding & looking forward. thanks for sharing your repositories, knowledge, brilliance cheers!

github tutorial first go at a repository and a read-me file. cheers! help always appreciated. humbily n00b...xx



resources i'm using: freecodecamp.com watchandcode.com sololearn apps on ios w3schools.com

mostly: adobe.com youtube.com

so thankful for all these valuable resources.

#stayTrue humbly yours... axel aka transgreaser