
Write lines of texts with some LEDs hooked up to a Raspberry Pi, as a light painting (long time photo exposure)

Primary LanguagePythonThe UnlicenseUnlicense


Write lines of texts with some LEDs hooked up to a Raspberry Pi, as a light painting (long time photo exposure)

I wanted to build this up from scratch, together with my son. There are already some very sophisticated lightpainting scripts out, but for clear understanding I think its best to reduce it to the basics: a pixel font array, a nested loop and a led switch command - thats all it needs for writing some amazing words of light into the air.

I would be happy if you use it as a suggestion for own experiments with computers and electronics. What you can also do with lightpainting you can see on my son's google plus profile: https://plus.google.com/113781326896839013461/posts

best regards Bernd