Sophisticated, battery-conscious background-geolocation & geofencing with motion-detection
- 5
BackgroundGeolocation.registerHeadlessTask(headlessTask) does not work on iOS
#1385 opened by QL-Uday - 1
- 4
Can i track permission change from always to disable when app in background?
#1368 opened by pogenz45 - 2
The extras object arrives empty in backend
#1384 opened by omejiasq - 4
Android release build crashing.
#1383 opened by domtom1126 - 7
Optimize Location Retrieval Frequency: Differentiate Foreground and Background Modes to Save Battery
#1381 opened by KatnissApp - 4
Not compiling for Flutter 3.24.*
#1382 opened by WUKS87 - 4
Geofencing not working accurately
#1360 opened by pratikbutani - 3
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[Bug] onProviderChange Event Reports Incorrect GPS Status After Enabling/Disabling GPS
#1350 opened by eulerchavez - 3
question: how to get accurate information on whether the device has transitioned from moving to stop
#1363 opened by svanhoof - 1
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Alternatives for triggerActivities
#1369 opened by HoseinHaqiqian - 3
[CHANGEME] this app collects location data for feature x and feature y getting this issue
#1359 opened by siddhantunico - 14
innacurate getCurrentPosition
#1358 opened by sergiomartell - 3
Ambiguous/random location coordinate values
#1379 opened by Hammad335 - 4
showing error in android release license validation failure
#1378 opened by arslancs - 11
Not location detection on IOS when app is killed
#1373 opened by gamestap99 - 2
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Odometer Issue ( Not getting correct values )
#1362 opened by abhi9991 - 9
Own database question.
#1374 opened by KlipX - 2
Automatically turn stationary state when the application has just been closed
#1375 opened by kukareku0307 - 2
Error on couldn't find "
#1372 opened by lathamios - 11
Geofence DWELL not triggering event on IOS
#1354 opened by ralon99 - 0
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im unable to get location using this method , when i install the apk its give one time location after that its not work,
#1371 opened by arslancs - 9
Unable to restart localization automatically after a long period of inactivity
#1367 opened by YaLazreq - 1
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`stopTimeout` seems to be stopping location updates even if not stopped for full duration
#1347 opened by kvenn - 2
Sync early if the batch reaches a certain "age"
#1365 opened by frankvollebregt - 1
#1357 opened by pratikbutani - 2
Package show modal "Background locations is not enabled" when i call `bg.BackgroundGeolocation.getCurrentPosition`
#1353 opened by KlipX - 7
Google Play App Rejected with issue SDK: Huawei com.huawei.hms:update
#1348 opened by LetheGameStudios - 4
Locations are not getting frequently
#1346 opened by sohamD07 - 0
Usage of USE_EXACT_ALARM on Android
#1356 opened by juandelgado - 7
app not setup in Samsung device because warning by Samsung health how to solve this ? how to turn off connected with health app because i use package in track location only?
#1344 opened by AbdullahAhmed1991998 - 7
Odometer is always 0.0, except in one rare case.
#1342 opened by irjayjay - 3
High battery usage on Android 15 Beta 4.1
#1341 opened by zigapovhe - 1
Android android.permission.ACTIVITY_RECOGNITION
#1355 opened by csarigumba - 6
IOS crash on addGeofence -> NSInvalidArgumentException
#1337 opened by lloydelvt - 3
[Android] getCurrentPosition timeout
#1352 opened by millerf - 1
Misunderstanding with plugin queue process
#1351 opened by Mastersam07 - 5
MissingPluginException(No implementation found for method listen on channel com.transistorsoft/flutter_background_fetch/events). Error thrown .
#1349 opened by siddharthadevops - 10
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Headless vs StartBackgroundTask
#1339 opened by millerf - 5