
Kris's Assembler for the K64

Primary LanguageRust


This is Kris's Assembler for the K64.

There is a companion 6502 emulator in the works called k6502.


I'll know when this is done because I'll be able to assemble Microchess and it'll be byte for byte identical to ca65 or vasm.


  • Implement macros


I do not know Rust, and I don't know how to build an assembler. This is probably not the code you're looking for.

Assembler completeness


Directive Implemented Notes
.ascii partial The scanner probably handles ;'s poorly
.bytes complete
.equ partial Only hands $1234 words, and will panic on bad input
.org partial Requires zp: to be prefixed to zeropage labels


  • All instructions are believed to work, but some tests remain.

Command line options

Option Description
-o <output_filename> Override the default filename a.out
-s <size> Size in bytes of the desired binary file
-p <padding> Size in bytes of initial padding in binary file


Copyright 2020 Kris Foster