- 0
- 2
Laravel 11 hasn't no lang directory by default
#36 opened by ruaq - 1
- 4
Creation of dynamic property Tio\Laravel\GettextTranslationSaver::$config is deprecated
#34 opened by Outsidaz - 3
Laravel 9 upgrade
#30 opened by rbruhn - 1
- 3
php artisan translation:init suceeds, php artisan translation:sync tells me to init first
#26 opened by sandrotanner - 0
- 18
Support for multiple JSON files
#24 opened by inxilpro - 5
php8 issue
#22 opened by jouniikaheimo - 1
Not issue possible config settings
#23 opened by jouniikaheimo - 4
Working with variable translation keys
#20 opened by sybbear - 12
Support for Laravel 8
#17 opened by bjorkgard - 7
- 3
- 1
Support for Laravel 7.6.2
#16 opened by bjorkgard - 1
Laravel 6 support
#11 opened by ndijkstra