
Monitors Fluxmon

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Version 2.1 introduces a new and more flexible configuration file format using YAML, using RPC nodes instead of Etherscan services, going directly to the chain to find the timestamp of the last feed update.

    cron_schedule: "*/5 * * * *"
    discord_webhook_url: "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/..."
    phonecall_webhook_url: "https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.pipedream.net"
    - name: "Arbitrum Sepolia Monitor"
    rpc_url: https://xxx.arbitrum-sepolia.quiknode.pro/123
    report_healthy: false
    notify_discord: true
    - code: fluxmon-feed1
        address: "0x91F9C89891575C2E41edfFB5953565A9aE2Dbd9C"
        minutesBeteenTxs: 45
    - code: fluxmon-feed2
        address: "0x667a18Ef90fe4DCF4f86B8471931A3e498fAD3BC"
    - name: "Arbitrum Monitor"
    rpc_url: https://xxx.arbitrum-mainnet.quiknode.pro/123
    report_healthy: false
    notify_discord: true
    notify_phonecall: true
    - code: fluxmon-feed3
        address: "0x91F9C89891575C2E41edfFB5953565A9aE2Dbd9C"

A monitor observes a collection of feeds on a specific chain, e.g. Arbitrum or Sepolia. Each feed is a contract address and a code. The code is used to identify the feed in the notification messages.

The cron_schedule is used to schedule the monitor to run. The discord_webhook_url is used to send notifications to a Discord channel. The phonecall_webhook_url is used to send notifications to a phone number using Pipedream.

The report_healthy flag is used to send a notification when the feed is healthy - hardly used because it does get noisy.

The notify_discord flag is used to send notifications to Discord and should be used always.

The notify_phonecall flag is used to call a phone number - this is a paid service and should be used only for critical notifications - those you get out of bed for in the middle of the night.

Run the container

docker run --rm -it -e CONFIG_PATH=/cfg/config.yml -v ./conf:/cfg translucentlink/fluxmonmon:2.0.0

Docker Container

The docker container can be found at https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/translucentlink/fluxmonmon.

Setting up Phonecall Notifications

Phonecall notifications are done using Pipedream and Twilio. You need to create an account and create a new workflow. The workflow should be triggered by a webhook. The webhook URL should be used in the configuration file.

Below is a screenshot as defined within Pipedream: Pipedream Workflow