🔥 This package is not stable or suitable for production use 🚧
npm install '@transmute/cose'
import * as cose from "@transmute/cose";
const cose = require("@transmute/cose");
const issuerSecretKeyJwk = await cose.key.generate<cose.SecretKeyJwk>(
const issuerPublicKeyJwk = await cose.key.publicFromPrivate<cose.PublicKeyJwk>(
const notarySecretKeyJwk = await cose.key.generate<cose.SecretKeyJwk>(
const notaryPublicKeyJwk = await cose.key.publicFromPrivate<cose.PublicKeyJwk>(
const issuer = cose.detached.signer({
remote: cose.crypto.signer({
privateKeyJwk: issuerSecretKeyJwk,
const notary = cose.detached.signer({
remote: cose.crypto.signer({
privateKeyJwk: notarySecretKeyJwk,
const content = fs.readFileSync("./examples/image.png");
const signatureForImage = await issuer.sign({
protectedHeader: cose.ProtectedHeader([
[cose.Protected.Alg, cose.Signature.ES256], // signing algorithm ES256
[cose.Protected.ContentType, "image/png"], // content type image/png
[cose.Protected.Kid, issuerPublicKeyJwk.kid], // issuer key identifier
payload: content,
const transparencyLogContainingImageSignatures = [
await cose.receipt.leaf(signatureForImage),
const receiptForImageSignature = await cose.receipt.inclusion.issue({
protectedHeader: cose.ProtectedHeader([
[cose.Protected.Alg, cose.Signature.ES256],
[cose.Protected.Kid, notaryPublicKeyJwk.kid],
entry: 0,
entries: transparencyLogContainingImageSignatures,
signer: notary,
const transparentSignature = await cose.receipt.add(
const resolve = async (
coseSign1: cose.CoseSign1Bytes
): Promise<cose.PublicKeyJwk> => {
const { tag, value } = cose.cbor.decodeFirstSync(coseSign1);
if (tag !== cose.COSE_Sign1) {
throw new Error("Only tagged cose sign 1 are supported");
const [protectedHeaderBytes] = value;
const protectedHeaderMap = cose.cbor.decodeFirstSync(protectedHeaderBytes);
const kid = protectedHeaderMap.get(cose.Protected.Kid);
if (kid === issuerPublicKeyJwk.kid) {
return issuerPublicKeyJwk;
if (kid === notaryPublicKeyJwk.kid) {
return notaryPublicKeyJwk;
throw new Error("No verification key found in trust store.");
const verifier = await cose.receipt.verifier({
const verified = await verifier.verify({
coseSign1: transparentSignature,
payload: content,
const message = "💀 My lungs taste the air of Time Blown past falling sands ⌛";
const plaintext = new TextEncoder().encode(message);
const encryptionKeys = {
keys: [
kid: "meriadoc.brandybuck@buckland.example",
alg: "HPKE-Base-P256-SHA256-AES128GCM",
kty: "EC",
crv: "P-256",
x: "Ze2loSV3wrroKUN_4zhwGhCqo3Xhu1td4QjeQ5wIVR0",
y: "HlLtdXARY_f55A3fnzQbPcm6hgr34Mp8p-nuzQCE0Zw",
const decryptionKeys = {
keys: [
kid: "meriadoc.brandybuck@buckland.example",
alg: "HPKE-Base-P256-SHA256-AES128GCM",
kty: "EC",
crv: "P-256",
x: "Ze2loSV3wrroKUN_4zhwGhCqo3Xhu1td4QjeQ5wIVR0",
y: "HlLtdXARY_f55A3fnzQbPcm6hgr34Mp8p-nuzQCE0Zw",
d: "r_kHyZ-a06rmxM3yESK84r1otSg-aQcVStkRhA-iCM8",
const ciphertext = await cose.encrypt.direct({
protectedHeader: ProtectedHeader([
[Protected.Alg, Direct["HPKE-Base-P256-SHA256-AES128GCM"]],
recipients: encryptionKeys,
const decrypted = await cose.decrypt.direct({
recipients: decryptionKeys,
- RFC9360 - Header Parameters for Carrying and Referencing X.509 Certificates
- RFC9052 - Structures and Process
- RFC9053 - Initial Algorithms
npm i
npm t
npm run lint
npm run build