Choose from 5 random numbers and 3 fixed numbers (1, 3, 7) to sum to 255. 8 switches control which numbers are summed together. Reset switch is required. It is used to generate a new set of random numbers for the next round. Note that not all games are winnable - part of the challenge.
- LED 1 is D16
- LED 2 is D15
- LED 3 is D14
- LED 4 is D8
- LED 5 is D9
- LED 6 is D10
- LED 7 is D11
- LED 8 is D13
D0-D7 are switches. Pullups are enabled, so no external pullups required.
Reset switch generates new set of numbers (and powers back on if the device goes to sleep).
Device runs on 3 AAAs and goes to sleep (~20uA) after about 60s.