
PHP Try and catch re-imagined

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About Attempt

Try and catch in php objected oriented way

Do It like a pro 🆗


$response = attempt(fn() => $this->client->get('ninja'))
    ->done(fn() => []); //done can be replaced with ()


Minimum requirement is PHP 7.2+ and Composer.

Install with this:

composer require transprime-research/attempt

Other usage:

$response = Attempt::on(fn() => $this->client->get('ninja'))
    ->catch(AttemptTestException::class)(); // or ->done()

// Do something with Response

catch method accepts an Exception object:

$response = Attempt::on(fn() => $this->client->get('ninja'))
    ->catch(\AttemptTestException())(); // or ->done()

// Do something with Response

Set a default response:

$response = Attempt::on(fn() => $this->client->get('ninja'))
    ->done(); // ['abc'] is returned if exception is caught  
// with default value
attempt(fn() => $this->execute())
    ->catch(AttemptTestException::class, 'It is done') //returns 'It is done'
// closure as default value
attempt(fn() => $this->execute())
    ->catch(AttemptTestException::class, fn() => 'It is done') //returns 'It is done'
// handle the resolved default value in done()
attempt(fn() => $this->execute())
    ->catch(AttemptTestException::class, fn() => 'error') //returns 'It is done'
    ->done(fn(Exception $ex, $severity) => logger($severity, $ex));

Multiple Exception

$response = Attempt::on(fn() => $this->client->get('ninja'))
    ->catch(AttemptTestException::class, HttpResponseException::class)()

// Do something with Response

Multiple Catch block

attempt(fn() => $this->execute())
    ->catch(NinjaException::class, 'Ninja error') //returns 'It is done')
    ->catch(AnotherExeption::class, 'Another error') //returns 'It is done'
    ->done(fn($ex) => logger()->error($ex));

Do more with the caught Exception response:

$response = Attempt::on(fn() => $this->client->get('ninja'))
    ->catch(AttemptTestException::class, HttpResponseException::class)
    ->done(fn(\HttpResponseException $e) => logger()->error($e->getMessage()));

// Do something with Response

More to come: Pass the execution of a default value to a callable Class

// loading...

Additional Information

This package is part of a series of "The Code Dare".

See other packages in this series here:

Similar packages

  • TBA


MIT (See LICENCE file)