
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Spring 2019 Career Track


  • Review
  • Quiz on Monday
  • Solo work to build confidence and clarify concepts
  • Mob work / Lab
  • Retro

Steps to setup repo

  • Fork repo
  • clone forked repo
  • initialize npm npm init -y
  • install npm i -D jest eslint
  • create a lib/index.js
  • create a test/index.test.js
  • add .eslintrc
  • add .travis.yml
  • add .gitignore
    • ignore node_modules
  • add scripts
    • test script using jest --verbose
    • test:watch script using npm run test -- --watch
    • start script using node lib/index.js


  • Create a new github repo
  • initialize the repo with a README.md on master
    • You can also initialize your repo with any dependencies or files you need across exercises
  • create a new branch for each exercise
  • create a PR against you master branch for each finished exercise