Express Mongoose Quiz

Create an RESTful API for colors (name, hex, rgb).

Make sure to use lean when appropriate.


  • Color fields
    • name is a required string
    • hex is a required string
    • red is a required number
      • min is 0
      • max is 255
    • green is a required number
      • min is 0
      • max is 255
    • blue is a required number
      • min is 0
      • max is 255


  • POST /api/v1/colors
    • create a new color
    • respond with the created color
  • GET /api/v1/colors
    • respond with a list of colors
      • only send the color _id and name
  • GET /api/v1/colors/:id
    • respond with the color by id
      • don't send the __v
  • PATCH /api/v1/colors/:id
    • update only a colors name
    • respond with the updated color
      • only send the color _id and name
  • DELETE /api/v1/colors/:id
    • delete a color by id
    • respond with the deleted color
      • only send the color _id