Minimal Modern Node.js Server


  • yarn then yarn dev to start the server in development mode.
  • yarn build to build the server in production mode. And NODE_ENV=production yarn start to start the server.

Code Structure Explanation

  • All api goes under the /v1 route.

Error Handling

To return an error, throw an ServerError with the error code (default: 400) and message. The response will be {message: string}.

Other errors will be treated as internal error and the response will be {message: 'Internal Server Error'} with error code 500.

Asynchronous Middleware

Wrap the middleware function with asyncMiddleware to handle the error. The error will be passed to the next middleware.

import asyncMiddleware from 'middleware-async'
router.get('/ping', asyncMiddleware(async (req, res) => {
	await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms('1s')))
	res.status(200).json({message: 'pong'})


JWT authentication is implemented in src/middleware/auth.ts. Token verification is left to the developer.

To verify if the user is authenticated, call requireAuth(req) at the beginning of the middleware function.

router.get('/me', (req, res) => {
	res.status(200).json({user: req.user})

Data Validation


const body = parseZodSchema(z.object({name: z.string()}).strict(), req.body)


This boilerplate does not include database integration.

kysely (or knex) with postgresql is recommended.


  • Typescript.
  • Simple server with express.
  • hot-reload in development with nodemon.
  • docker build integrated.
  • yarn 2.
  • source map support in production.
  • async middleware function.
  • parameter validation with zod.
  • Convenient error handling.