
Vue Json Debug Component Plugin

Primary LanguageVue




A simple Vue component to display JSON data in multiple components.

  • Reactive Preview
  • Show/Hide Debug Components
  • Dev only (not included in production builds)


npm install vue-json-debug
# OR
yarn add vue-json-debug


import {createApp} from 'vue';
import App from './App.vue';

// Import plugin
import {useDebugPlugin} from 'vue-json-debug/src/plugin';
// Import plugin styles
import 'vue-json-debug/src/debug.css';

const app = createApp(App);

useDebugPlugin(app, {
    // Register the `<debug>` component globally
    registerDebugComponent: true,


Add DebugDock to your app

In order to have the debug dock show up, you need to add the <debug-dock> component to your app.

It should be placed in your root component, or in a component that is always visible.

    ... your app template

Debug Component

The <debug> component is used to display the JSON data. It can be used anywhere in your app.

<script setup lang="ts">
import {ref} from "vue";

const form = ref({foo: 'bar'});

  <debug :data="{form}"/>


type DebugPluginOptions = {
    enableIf: () => boolean;
    dock: {
        hideIfNoSlots?: boolean;
        slotTitleLimit?: number;
    defaultDebugTheme: string;
    registerDebugComponent: boolean;
    components?: {
        before?: Record<string, Component>;
        after?: Record<string, Component>;
Option Type Default Description
enableIf () => boolean () => true A function that returns a boolean to enable/disable the plugin.
dock Object An object that contains the dock options.
dock.hideIfNoSlots boolean false If true the dock will be hidden if there are no slots to display. If you want the dock to be always visible, set this option to false.
dock.slotTitleLimit number 20 The maximum number of characters to display in the slot title before truncating it.
defaultDebugTheme string dark The default theme to use for the debug component. You can use the following values: light, dark.
registerDebugComponent boolean false If true the <debug> component will be registered globally.
components Object An object that contains the components to register globally. This provides a way to add more components to the debug component.
components.before Object An object that contains the components to register before the default components.
components.after Object An object that contains the components to register after the default components.

Debug Component Props

type DebugProps = {
    data: object;
    forceShow?: boolean;
    space?: number;
    name?: string;
    hideName?: boolean;
    hideFirst: boolean;
    theme?: string;
    useParentName?: boolean;
Prop Type Default Description
data object The data to display.
forceShow boolean false If true the debug component will be shown no matter what.
space number 2 The number of spaces to use for JSON indentation.
name string The name to display.
hideName boolean false If true the name will be hidden.
hideFirst boolean false If true it will be hidden before mount.
theme string The theme to use for the debug component.
useParentName boolean false If true the name of the parent file where the debug component is called from will be used as name

Available Dock Components

  • RouteInfo - Displays the current route name. (Requires vue-router)
  • ScreenSize - Displays the current screen width and height. (Requires @vueuse/core)

Registering Components

The Docker supports registering components before and after the default components. This provides a way to add more components to the debug component.

import RouterInfo from "vue-json-debug/src/docks/RouterInfo.vue";
import ScreenSize from "vue-json-debug/src/docks/ScreenSize.vue";

useDebugPlugin(app, {
    components: {
        after: {RouterInfo, ScreenSize},

Nuxt 3 Implementation

To add this package to nuxt, you need to create a plugin. A nuxt plugin gives you the vue app instance.

export default defineNuxtPlugin((nuxtApp) => {
    const app = nuxtApp.vueApp;
    useDebugPlugin(app, {
        registerDebugComponent: true,

Add the plugin and styles to your nuxt.config.ts file.

export default defineNuxtConfig({
    css: [
        // ... your other styles
    plugins: [
        // ... your other plugins
            src: '@/plugins/path/to/your/plugin.ts',
            mode: 'client'

Add DebugDock to your app just like in the Vue example. But surrounded by a <client-only> component.
