sdorfehsrc: The configuration file.
sdorfehs-feedbar: A loop that runs the main sdorfehs-bar.pl script, feeding information to the sdorfehs bar through a named pipe.
sdorfehs-bar.pl This is where all the magic happens.
mpd-goto-album-dir This script is executed when clicking the album name on the sdorfehs now playing data. A terminal is spawned where the shell CWD is set to the path of the album.
mpd-goto-artist-dir This script is executed when clicking the artist name on the sdorfehs now playing data. A terminal is spawned where the shell CWD is set to the path of the artist.
mpd-copy-path-to-clipboard This script is executed when clicking the song title on the sdorfehs now playing data. The full path of the song is placed in the PRIMARY clipboard.
fzfselect, fzfvselect Interactive window and vscreen switcher using fzf.
- sselectt_skip_top_monitor Physical monitor switching, skipping the upper monitor in a setup like this:
[ ]
[][ ][]
this allows for a sensible vim feel when switching monitors:
# left monitor
bind H exec sselect_skip_top_monitor left
# right monitor
bind L exec sselect_skip_top_monitor right
# middle monitor
bind J sselect 1
# top monitor
bind K sselect 2
- Term::ExtendedColor::Dzen - https://github.com/trapd00r/Term-ExtendedColor-Dzen
- Music::Beets::Info - https://github.com/trapd00r/Music-Beets-Info
- Audio::MPD
- Time::Date
- urxvt
- st
- fzf
$ cpanm Term::ExtendedColor::Dzen Audio::MPD Music::Beets::Info Time::Date
$ sh sdorfehs-feedbar &