
Text to 3D generation

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


[ArXiv] [Project Page]

A high-quality text-to-3D generation with low occurrence rate of the Multi-face Janus Problem and fast generation time.

Result Examples

A car made out of sushi A blue jay standing on a large basket of rainbow macarons
car_sushi blue_jay_macaron
A DSLR photo of an ice cream sundae A DSLR photo of a plate of fried chicken and waffles with maple syrup on them
icecream waffle

Resource Requirements

The model was tested on a single RTX 3090 GPU, achieving a generation time of around 30 minutes per asset. We measured the memory peak, and it requires at least 16 GB of GPU VRAM to execute the entire pipeline.

Environment Setup

# from yml file
conda env create --file=environment.yml
conda activate GradeADreamer

# pip indexed packages
pip install -r requirements.txt

# pip github packages
pip install -r requirements_external.txt

## Installing GradeADreamer as a pip package (optional)

pip install -e .

Run (Entire pipeline)

./run.sh --prompt "A DSLR photo of an astronaut riding a horse, no background, no 

Run each stage separately

# Stage 1 : Create Prior Point Clouds [MVDream + SDS]
python main_prior.py --prompt "A DSLR photo of an astronaut riding a horse, no background, no 

# Stage 2 : Gaussian Splatting Optimization [Stable Diffusion + SDS]
python main_gs.py --prompt "A DSLR photo of an astronaut riding a horse, no background, no 

# Stage 3 : Texture Optimization [Stable Diffusion + SDS]
python main_appearance.py --prompt "A DSLR photo of an astronaut riding a horse, no background, no 

Export to VDO

kire logs/astro/astro_appearance/dmtet_mesh/mesh.obj --save_video logs/astro/astro_output_vdo.mp4 --wogui


You will just need to move the needed gif representations of models to evaluate (360° around the 3D model) in the eval/images folder and arrange them by folders inside like eval/images/astro, also make sure to respect the name of the associated config for automatic search.

python main_eval.py


This repository is built on top of DreamGaussian and Fantasia3D repositories. We would like to thank for their incredible works ❤️.


This work is the final project of the Deep Learning 2024 Spring course at Tsinghua University 🟣. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to this course !