
Log your internet speeds to InfluxDB

Primary LanguagePython

Speedtest InfluxDB

Log your internet speeds to Influx DB. The script currently logs download and upload speeds (in b/s) and ping to influx db.

The data written to the database looks like this:

> SELECT * FROM internetSpeed
name: internetSpeed
time                download           ping  upload
----                --------           ----  ------
1564068380338827008 24137205.190151006 7.247 4999612.83820897
1564069140744026880 21963406.450794857 7.343 4603067.451408845
1564069272956461824 24177880.030567713 7.404 4936487.407350518

Getting started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
This project uses pipenv to manage it's dependencies.


  • Python 3.7
  • pipenv
    • Install with pip install pipenv


  1. Run pipenv install
  2. Done

Edit the config

  1. Copy example config cp config.example.json config.json
  2. Fill in all values

Run the script

$ pipenv run ./speedtest-influxdb.py

Built with

  • Python
  • speedtest-cli
  • influxdb